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Sustainability: The balances are maintained if resources are not consumed at higher speeds than nature needs for regeneration.

Sustainable Society: A society that balances the environment, other life forms, and human interactions over an indefinite time period.

Basic issues

key facts


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Country profiles BBC
World factbook CIA

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Abfall - Seite des UNEP
About ecoglobe
Agenda 21
Agriculture & forestry
All Things Must Pass - George Harrison
Animaux et la protection des animaux - animals and animal protection
Aquaculture, Fish farming, Fishing and fisheries
Arbeit für ecoglobe
Argumente für Wachstum - arguments pour la croissance
Artenvielfalt - biodiversité
avanti - das Strassenbauprogramm der Autolobby - le programme de construction de routes - votation du 8.2.2004

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Bevölkerung - population
Bible - die Bibel, the Bible - in verschiedenen Sprachen / in various languages
Bilder (links)
"Bio" alimentation et production biologique - organic food and production
Biotechnologie - Genetische Technologie
De Bovenbazen An Oliver B. Bommel and Tom Poes story from Marten Toonder 1963-1964 (The Overlords")
Briefe an einflussreiche Personen über verschiedene Themen
Bundesrat - CH Neujahrsansprache von Bundespräsident Joseph Deiss für 2004 (German)

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Carpe Diem
Ceteris Paribus - All Other Things Equal
Change (attitude - motivation - paradigm)
Change - Routine Change Advice
Changement climatique
Charte des Nations Unies UN
Charter of the UN
Chemicals (PIP, POP)
Chess - eco-chess
Children's Rights (link to UN Treaties)
Climate change / Climate change - page list (ecostory)
Club ecoglobe
Club of Rome
Coastal areas
Collapse? What if?
Commons (Hardin: "The Tragedy of the Commons", 1968)
Conseil fédéral - CH
Consiglio federale - CH - Neujahrsansprache von Bundespräsident Joseph Deiss für 2004 (German)'

Constitution - La Constitution Fédérale Suisse - extrait
Croissance (économique)
Croissance - ROC - Réseau Objection de Croissance (Network of Growth Objection)

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"Decoupling" - of resource use, impacts, etc. from economic growth "Décroissance" - ROC - Reseau Objection de Croissance
Denial - The Psychology of Denial: our failure to act against climate change (Die Leugnung la négation )
"Développement durable" durabilité
The Devil's Dictionary for the Environment
Dictionaries E F D S on-line
Diverse Subjekte - sujets divers
Droits humains, Déclaration universelle (ONU)
DSM-V - The Manual and the EGL-HOT Syndrom
DU - Depleted Uranium
Durabilité & "développement durable"

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ecoglobe - Was/wer ist... qui/quoi est... who/what is... ecoglobe
économie politique - Political Economy
ecostory topic lists
Einerleier refrain
Energy general Energie allgemein
Energy conversions Energieumwandlungen
Energie > Page list
Energy @ - Energy issues (English)
Energetic Return On Energetic Investment for food production
Erlkönig - Erlking - Roi des aulnes

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Fair Use Notice
Feedback On-line
Fish farming, Aquaculture, Fishing and fisheries
International Flat Earth Society
Footprints and sustainability
Footprint - Environmental Resource Footprint and "ecological footprint"
Forestry and soil fertility - "Will forestry follow agriculture toward unsustainable soil depletion?"
Frauenbewegung (World of Women Power)
Frieden und Menschenrechte - teilweise auf English ...
fun - plaisanterie - Spass

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Genetische Technologie - Biotech
Genèva Wall of Reformation - Guillaume le taciturn, déclaration d'indépendance - Willem van Oranje - "Plakkaat van Verlatingh"
Genève respire ... - Geneva's breathing
Genève - Bastions étang et grenouilles disparus
Gesetzgebung und Verfassung (umwelt, Schweiz)
Genève - vision 2030
Gesetzessamlungen - collections de lois
Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden
Glossary: Sustainability & Footprint
Glossar - Glossary
Global warming -> climate change
Golden Rule (AEM thesis)
Golden Rule - in 13 religions
Goofus and Gallant in the 21st Century (starting 1 January 2001) [new window]
cooking the green broil"Green Economy" ("Grüne Wirtschaft")
Grenzen zum technischen Umweltschutz (Gruhl)
Growth -> STOP growth
Growth Belief Disorder - PEG - Perpetual Economic Growth Cognitive Disorder
Growth links to basic issues, graphs and tables
Wachstumstafel - Wachtsumsraten von 0.5 bis 10 % pro Jahr
Tables de croissance - pourcentages de 0.5 à 10 % par année
Growth table with growth rates 0.5 to 10 % per year
Growth -> Wachstum (croissance)
"Grüne Revolution" (Landwirtschaftliche Ertragssteigerungen in Indien, etwa ab 1970) > Landwirtschaft, Green revolution (Link ...)

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Halte à la croissance
Health and wellbeing (in German ...)
Heaven ... (After the Apocalypse) Monsieur Mardi-Gras†Descendres
Hieronymus Bosch - "Ship of fools" "Das Narrenschiff" "La navire des sottes"
Home -

"HOT" the EGL-HOT Syndrom
"HOT" people (HOT = Hope Optimism Technology)
HTML Hilfen & web site management
Human rights & Peace
Human Rights Declarations (UN)
Humor - fun - humour

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Images (liens)
Illusions and current arguments
Indigenous peoples - their and our development (All Things Must Pass)
Informationsquellen - sources d'information
Initiative - Constitution Suisse (extrait)
IPAT - I = P x A x T
Internalisation (WTO)
issues - ecostory topic lists
Issues - environmental problems and solutions - overview

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Jobs at ecoglobe

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  • Kassandra - Christa Wolf
    Kinder - Rechte (link zu UN Treaties (Verträge)) - (auf Englisch ...)'

    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    Land and mountains - degradation and erosion
    Land-und Forstwirtschaft
    Langue - Language pages
    Language pages ex
    Last words
    Législation environnementale - Constitution Suisse
    Letters to influential people on various subjects
    "Limits To Growth" (1972) Meadows, Meadows, Randers & Behrens)
    (Limits) Grenzen zum technischen Umweltschutz (Gruhl)
    Links: verschiedene - various
    Lubbers' Law of Expanding Environmental Organisations

    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    Maslow und Kegan
    Medien - les médias - media
    Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte
    Migratory species
    MDG Millennium Development Goals
    Motivation - Umweltmotivation - motivation environnementale - environmental motivation
    Mobility Musuem Project
    Motivation - Umweltmotivation - motivation environnementale - environmental motivation
    Murphy's Law
    Musik & Audio Verknüpfungen | Opera | [Music & Audio Links]
    Musil (and Maslow)

    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    Nachhaltigkeit & "nachhaltige Entwicklung"
    Natural resources
    Nuclear Page List

    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    BuNGOs - Business NGOs: WBCSD
    EnNGOs - Environmental NGOs: ROC
    GoNGOs - Government NGOs: WTO
    Oceans and coastal wetlands
    Politische Ökonomie
    Opera & Classical Music
    Optimism - Reality vs. Hope Optimism Technology)
    Oranje, Willem van - Dutch declaration of independence
    Organische Lebensmittel und deren Erzeugung - organic food and production
    Orwell - "Newspeak..."
    Overshoot - going beyond the carrying capacity of the planet -Überschreitung (des ökologisch Tragbaren) - dépassement (d'un écologie supportable)
    Ökonomie (Wirtschaft - politische Ökonomie)

    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    page list
    Peace & Human rights
    Pictures (links)
    plaisanterie - fun - Spass
    "plofkippen" - Dutch for chickens produced in industrial chicken legs and chicken wings production.
    Political economy - politische Ökonomie - économie politique
    Population - Bevölkerung
    Psychologie allgemein - psychologie générale
    Motivation - Umweltpsychologie - motivation écologique ('The Psychology of Denial: our failure to act against climate change')
    Problems and Solutions - overview
    Precautionary principle

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    Don Quichote: The Man of La Mancha

    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    Rain >Acid rain
    Recreation and tourism
    Reality Hope Optimism Technology - Reality
    Religion - La règle d'or
    Religion - The Golden Rule (AEM thesis) - Golden Rule - in 13 religions
    Religion (Links: die Bibel, the Bible - in verschiedenen Sprachen / in various languages ')
    Renewables (energy page list)
    ROC - Réseau Objection de Croissance (Network of Growth Ojection)

    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    Salmon, saumon > Fish farming, Aquaculture, Fishing and fisheries
    Schach - Ökoschach
    Die Schweiz morgen
    Science (and politics)
    Science fiction - Orwell
    Soil fertility and forestry - "Will forestry follow agriculture toward unsustainable soil depletion?"
    Solutions for environmental problems- overview
    Soylent Green
    Spass - plaisanterie - fun
    Sprache - Wörterbücher - langue - dictionaires
    Sprawl (urban sprawl)
    Stone Age Economics - Sahlins excerpt
    Stop growth
    Sustainability & "Sustainable development"
    Sustainability Glossary
    SWUTCH - Swiss Dutch Language Training

    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    Technology vs. Technique adapted technology
    Technology: energetic limits of environment protection (German) - Limits to technology: "Die technischen Grenzen des Umweltschutzes"
    Terminal Care for a Dying Planet
    La terre vue du ciel - Exhibition de photos de Yann Arthus-Bertrand (2005)
    Tiere & Tierschutz ('animaux et la protection des animaux..., animals and animal protection...')
    topics - ecostory topic lists
    Traffic and Transportation
    Travail pour ecoglobe

    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    umverkehR - Verkehrshalbierung
    Umrechnungen ('Umrechnungstabellen - tabelles de conversions')
    Umweltgesetzgebung und Verfassung (umwelt, Schweiz)
    UN - Charter
    United Nations
    Uranium appauvri - abgereichertes Uran - DU - Depleted Uranium
    Urban sprawl
    UV radiation

    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    Verfassung - Schweizer Bundesverfassung - Auszug
    Volunteering, volontariat, Freiwilliger - ecoglobe

    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    Wachstum (croissance - growth)
    Waste site of the UNEP
    American waste site of Jon Eilers
    Wasser - l'eau - water
    Webseitengestaltung und HTML Hilfen
    Wellbeing and Health
    Wirtschaft (politische Ökonomie)

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    A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z top
    Yin Yang

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    "2052" Randers
    21st Century Scenes

    a-z (key word list)

    Suchen auf - chercher sur
    Suchen auf - chercher sur
    Suchen nach - chercher pour (search for):

    auf Seite - sur site (on site):

    Nicht alle Treffwörter sind mit einer Seite mit entsprechenden Inhalten verknüpft. Ihre Anregungen.
    Ces mots-clés ne sont pas encore tous liés à des pages correspondantes. Vos suggestions.
    The above is an issue list. But not all key words are linked to explanatory pages as yet. Your contributions.

    Ihr Beitrag
    votre contribution
    your feedback
    WTO Ceteris Paribus
    Anklicken für Vergrösserung und Kommentar- clicker pour agrandissement et commentaire - click for large size and commentary ...Hieronymus (Jerome) Bosch - "Ship of fools" "Das Narrenschiff" "La navire des sottes"

    Hestekor interactive stallion choir and more music links..
    On-line feedback
    contact & email
    ecoglobe.chStartseite - page entréehome
    ecostory - -
    der realen Nachhaltigkeit verpflichtet - la durabilité réelle nous oblige
    la vera sostenibilità ci impegna - committed to strong sustainability
    ecoglobe home for realistic answers