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    End of the year

            71/2011 "Doomsday Auction"


    70/2011 The impact of ecological limits on population growth

    69/2011 Thoughts on ecological change

    68/2011 Biomass - the new frontier of the "Greed Economy"

    67/2011 "The Bugs That Ate Monsanto"

    66/2011 "Monsanto Defeated by Roundup Resistant Weeds"

    65/2011 The renewability of renewable energies

    64/2011 Energie durable pour tous

    63/2011 "La paille peut remplacer le pétrole"

    62/2011 Le "découplage" de l'utilisation de ressources de la croissance du PIB

    61/2011 "Decoupling Natural Resource Use and Environmental Impact from Economic Growth"

    60/2011 Rio + 20 and the "Green Economy"

    59/2011 "Green Economy" - "The New Big Deal" "On the Eve of Rio+20, Countries Accelerating Plans for a Transition to a Green Economy"

    58/2011 "Green Economy" - "The New Big Deal"

    57/2011 Tabaquier - contrebandier?

    56/2011 Nette Bildchen auf Zigarettenpackungen, Kaufverbote für Kinder:- Ein Etappensieg für die Tabak- und Werbebranche

    55/2011 Fostering Low Carbon Growth: The Case for a Sustainable Energy Trade Agreement

    54/2011 IEA 2010 World Energy Outlook

    53/2011 Planet "FT" - flat and endless

    52/2011 "Mal wieder Weltuntergang"
    Ein Journalismuspreis-Gewinner schwafelt über seine Zukunft

    51/2011 "Ceteris Paribus" - the absentee in science

    50/2011 7,000,000,000 people on 31 October 2011 1,000,000,000 survivors by 2050?

    49/2011 "Green Economy" - "Sustainable Growth"

    48/2011 Tanzania's Serengeti National Park facing 'collapse' due to highway plans

    47/2011 " Peak Oil - imposed by nature"

    46/2011 The impact of ecological limits on population growth

    45/2011 The impact of ecological limits on population growth

    44/2011 "Wachstum - ein Virus"

    43/2011 "Pour les écolos, respirer c'est déjà polluer"

    42/2011 "Aufrichtigkeit, Gewissenhaftigkeit, Mässigung"

    41/2011 Gobal Crash 2012

    40/2011 End of History

    39/2011 Still Positive After All These Years! Tony Robbins Then And Now!

    38/2011 Plan directeur cantonal pour la croissance de Genève vers 2030

    37/2011 Stellungnahme zur Vernehmlassung Gegenvorschlag zur Volksinitiative zur Finanzierung des öffentlichen Verkehrs - Bundesrätin Frau Doris Leuthard Submission in the consultation about the construction of further infrastructures for public transport - in conflict with the sustainability stipulations of the Swiss Constitution

    36/2011 Stellungnahme zur Vernehmlassung Finanzierung des Infrastrukturausbaus durch die Autobahnvignette - Bundesrätin Frau Doris Leuthard Submission in the consultation about the financing of further motoray infrastructure - in conflict with the sustainability stipulations of the Swiss Constitution

    35/2011 Neandi's investment of his gains from foresty in green trees and clean water; letter to Mr Djoghlav, Secretary General of the UN Biodiversity Convention

    34/2011 Second letter to Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum [WEF Davos]

    33/2011 Endstation Hunger - Energiedefizit in der Landwirtschaft und der Nahrung
    33/2011 End station Hunger - Energy deficit in agriculture
    33/2011 station terminus: la faim - rendement déficitaire énergétique dans l'agriculture

    32/2011 "Government asked to investigate new pesticide link to bee decline"

    31/2011 "Green Growth"

    30/2011 Gas extraction practices and PR exposed by a normal citizen

    29/2011 Development of indigenous peoples

    28/2011 Illusionists - making the impossible possible, by the sheer magic of words.

    27/2011 HOT-people - Hoffnung Optimismus Technologie.
    27/2011 HOT-people - Hope Optimism Technology
    27/2011 HOT-people - Hope Optimism Technology; EOT Espoir Optimisme Technologie

    26/2011 Wachstumsgrenzen im Telekombereich - am Bespiel der Swisscom
    26/2011 Limits to Growth in the Telecom sector - at the example of Swisscom
    26/2011 Les limites à la croissance dans le secteur des télécoms - par l'exemple de Swisscom

    25/2011 Landwirtschaft in Afrika Richtige Fragen und falsche Antworten.

    24/2011 "Die Sachzwange der Götter" Wie entscheidet man, wer hungert und wer nicht?

    23/2011 "Saudi Arabia to import 2 million tonnes of wheat in 2011"

    22/2011 Die neue Mobilität gemäss Bundesrätin Doris Leuthard.

    21/2011 M Mardi-GrasDescendres
    21/2011 Herr Ascherdienstag
    21/2011 Mr AshTuesday
    21/2011 De heer AsDinsdag

    20/2011 Davos - les sons des "leaders" au Forum Mondial Économique

    19/2011 "La politique de la mobilité déraille

    18/2011 Fatih Birol and his Team of the IEA 2010 World Energy Outlook

    17/2011 Aid for Trade

    16/2011 Growing pressure for moratorium on UK shale gas 'fracking'

    15/2011 Oil Decline Rate And Population

    14/2011 The Fuzzy Sheep of CleanTech

    13/2011 Une brève histoire du pétrole.

    12/2011 "Don't count the sheep - Talk to the shepherd!" - Letter to Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum [WEF Davos]

    11/2011 Footprint update January 2011

    10/2011 "Achieving world food security is a global challenge for governments and industry"

    9/2011 "2011 - 7 Milliarden Menschen" Wieviel Menschen erträgt die Erde?

    8/2011 "Oil giant plans new platform near feeding ground of critically endangered whale"

    7/2011 IEA 2010 World Energy Outlook

    6/2011 Groundwater depletion, food, and fossil fuels

    5/2011 "One poor harvest away from chaos"

    4/2011 "The CEO and the New Feudalism"

    3/2011 Land fizzing like soda pop: farmer says CO2 injected underground is leaking

    2/2011 World Oil Capacity to Peak in 2010 Says Petrobras CEO

    Neujahrsansprache der Bundespräsidentin Frau Micheline Calmy-Rey
    New Year's Speech from the Swiss President Mrs Micheline Calmy-Rey
    Allocution de Nouvel An par la présidente de la confédération suisse Micheline Calmy-Rey
    Allocuzione di Capodanno 2011 - Micheline Calmy-Rey
    Ein realistisches gutes neues Jahr...
    A Realistic Happy New Year..
    Une bonne année réaliste...

    For comparison / zum Vergleich / pour comparaison:

    25/2009 Our Maniacal Optimism Is Ruining the World

    L'espoir, l'optimisme,
        la technologie, et l'argent:
        le quatuor qui tue l'humanité

    Hoffnung tötet
    Hope kills

    Last - letzte - derniers 2010:

    15/2010 "Der kommende Austand"

    L’urgence de la "décroissance".
    Des pensées sur la balance humaine sur la planète.
    The urgency of contraction.
    Thoughts on the balance of humanity on the planet.
    Die Dringlichkeit einer Schrumpfung.
    Gedanken über das Gleichgewicht der Menschheit auf dem Planeten.

    Older projected stories:

    - Pseudowissenschaftliche Hirngespinste von Spezialisten, die uns in die Irre füren. - Les chimère semi-scientifiques qui nous induisent en erreur.
    - "Ökowerbung", oder Die langsame Gewöhnung an die Hitze ... oder den Regen?
    - DRS1 über Ökonomen und Klimaschutz - Stefan Schleicher der Uni Graz
    - Übergangslösungen und die Einschätzung der Dringlichkeit.
    - "Climate change 'can be tackled'" - by more of the same: Economic Growth, they say.
    - "Urban growth is a chance for change " - with question marks

    - Footprint gruen

    Our past, ...
    our present
    probable future
    under the busines-as-usual scenario of population growth and economic growth.

    At the present rates of resource depletion and population growth, the end may look like in this drawing made by the notorious deniers of "The Economist" weekly, mocking ecological forecasts in 1997.

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