[Bildlegende] Philippinische Kinder waten südlich von Manila durch Monsunregen. (Malasig/EPA)
Verdeckte Botschaft: Der Klimawandel trifft die Armen im Süden. Das ist weit weg.
«In erster Linie ist der reiche Norden gefordert»
Die warnende Stimme
Martin Lees, Generalsekretär des Club of Rome. Der Club hat sich Energie- und Umweltfragen verschrieben. (jac.)
Für Martin Lees, Sekretär des neu in Winterthur beheimateten Club of Rome, ist der Umweltkollaps bedrohlich nahe
NZZ am Sonntag: In den 70er Jahren war der Club of Rome in aller Munde.
Wieso kennen ihn Junge kaum mehr?
Martin Lees: Als der Club of Rome 1972 den Report «Die Grenzen des Wachstums» veröffentlichte, traf er den Nerv der Zeit. Das Buch fiel in die Epoche der ersten Ölkrise und wachsender Umweltsorgen vieler Menschen. Jeder sprach vom Club bis Ronald Reagan und Margaret Thatcher das Zepter in ihren Ländern übernahmen. Unter den beiden wurde die Meinung salonfähig, der Markt würde alles richten. Das war ein extremer Standpunkt und hat enorme Probleme ausgelöst, wie wir heute wissen. Sogar das «Wall Street Journal» schrieb im März 2008, dass der Club of Rome mit seiner Analyse 1972 wohl recht gehabt haben könnte.
Was hat der Club of Rome in den letzten vierzig Jahren erreicht?
Der Club of Rome hat die Debatte über den Zusammenhang zwischen exponentiellem Wirtschaftswachstum und den endlichen Ressourcen auf unserem Planet en erst in Gang gesetzt. Wir waren die Ersten, die gesagt haben, dass es unmöglich ist, unendlich viel zu konsumieren, wenn unsere Ressourcen begrenzt sind. Heute ist dieses Denken breit akzeptiert.
Ressourcen werden heutzutage ausgebeutet, als ob sie unendlich wären.
1st Ihre Botschaft nicht erhort worden?
Wir haben einiges erreicht. Es resultierten eine gutgemeinte Umweltgesetzgebung, sparsamere Autos und mehr Bewusstsein Für die Anfälligkeit unserer globalen Ökosysteme. Heute aber führt der Boom der Schwellenländer dieses Denken an seine Grenzen. Wir brauchen eine neue Art des Wirtschaftens, die aus der Notwendigkeit Für Umweltschutz und Ressourcenschonung neue Wachstumsimpulse bezieht. Wir dürfen Wachstum nicht langer gegen die Umwelt ausspielen.
Passiert dies heute?
Ja. Die Chinesen stimmen bei der Planung neuer Projekte stets dem Grundsatz zu, die Wirtschaft im Einklang mit der Natur wachsen zu lassen. Fährt man zehn Jahre später wieder hin, ist alles zubetoniert.
Was müssen wir tun?
In erster Linie die Emissionen senken. Das tut man auch. Selbst in den USA: Das offizielle Washington hat das Kyoto-Protokoll zwar nicht unterzeichnet, aber viele Gliedstaaten, Städte und Firmen arbeiten an dessen Zielen. Die Öffentlichkeit unterstützt dies. In erster Linie ist der reiche Norden gefordert. 80 Prozent aller von Menschen freigesetzten Treibhausgase stammen aus den Industrienationen.
Was ist mit den schnell wachsenden Schwellenländern?
Wir können den Menschen dort ihr Streben nach Wohlstand nicht verbieten. 2,6 Milliarden Menschen leben von weniger als 2 Dollar pro Tag. Der Westen muss den Entwicklungsländern helfen, damit auch sie den Klimawandel bereits jetzt bekämpfen können. Denn sie verfügen über die dafür notwendigen Technologien, vom Hybridauto bis zur modernsten Stromerzeugung aus alternativen Energien.
Bedeutet begrenztes Wachstum weniger Wohlstand?
Ökonomien können verschieden wachsen. In Indien diskutiert man heute, ob man eine kapital- oder arbeitsintensive Landwirtschaft will.
China ist mit Umwelt- und Gesundheitsschaden konfrontiert, die 6 Prozent des Sozialproduktes ausmachen.
Wenn in jeder chinesischen Garage ein Auto steht, kommt der Kollaps -
es sei denn, sie fahren deutlich umweltschonender als heute. Wir müssen zusammen einen neuen Wachstumspfad Für die ganze Welt finden.
Viele machen sich heute ernste Sorgen. Wer sich Sorgen macht, ist offen für Veränderung. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass wir bereit sind, kurzfristig Unannehmlichkeiten und Einschränkungen in Kauf zu nehmen, um langfristig eine Katastrophe zu verhindern.
Interview: Charlotte Jacquemart
Urheberrecht: NZZ am Sonntag - Wiedergabe nur für wissenschaftliche Zwecke, ohne Gewinnabsicht.
Martin Lees
Born in 1941, Martin Lees is a graduate in Mechanical Sciences from Cambridge
University with a post-graduate Diploma in European Studies from the College of Europe
in Bruges, Belgium. After some years as a manager in industry, he joined OECD where he
managed programmes on Cooperation in Science and Technology and on Innovation in
the Procedures and Structures of Government. In 1972, he was responsible for the design
and launching of the "InterFutures Project" on the Future of the Advanced Industrial
Societies in Harmony with that of the Developing Countries. He then served at the United
Nations in several capacities, including Executive Director of the Financing System for
Science and Technology for Development. In 1982, he was appointed Assistant Secretary
General. During this period he was responsible for the establishment of the InterAction
Council of former Heads of State and Government becoming its Executive Director. Since
1983 he has also been responsible for several high level programmes of International
Cooperation with China. They include an advisory programme for the leadership, "China
and the World in the Nineties", and the establishment of the China Council for
International Cooperation on Environment and Development, of which he was a member
for 15 years. He is a Senior Adviser to the Chinese Government on Climate Change and
other issues. From 1991-1996 he developed and implemented programmes of cooperation
with the Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union as Director General of the
International Committee for Economic Reform and Cooperation. Since 1995, he has been
Moderator of the International Advisory Board of the Toyota Motor Corporation. From
January 2001 to April 2005 he was Rector of the University for Peace of the United
Nations in Costa Rica, guiding its revitalization and launching eight Masters programmes
on issues of peace, security and sustainable development. He was elected as Secretary
General of the Club of Rome in September 2007 with effect from January 2008.
Quelle: http://www.progressfoundation.ch/PDF/autoren/186_Martin%20Lees.pdf
The Club of Rome Executive Committee
January 2008
(Source: www.clubofrome.org/eng/about/instant_information_docs/ Club_of_Rome_Executive_Committee_Members.pdf)
- Dr. Ashok Khosla Co-President
President of Development Alternatives, India
- Dr. Eberhard von Koerber Co-President
Chairman and CEO, Eberhard von Koerber AG
- Professor Heitor Gurgulino de Souza Vice-President
Secretary-General, International Association
of University Presidents, Brazil
Mr. Anders Wijkman Vice-President
Member of the European Parliament, Sweden
- Dr. Ricardo Díez-Hochleitner (non-voting member) Honorary President
Board Member of the International Institute
for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Spain
- Professor Dr. Orhan Güvenen Member
Director, Institute of World Systems, Economies
and Strategic Research, Bilkent University, Turkey
- Mr. Patrick Liedtke Member
Secretary General, The Geneva Association –
Int'l Association for the Study of Insurance Economics
- Professor Mona Makram-Ebeid Member
Professor of Political Science, American University, Cairo
Former Member of the Egyptian Parliament
- Mr. Uwe Möller Member
Former Secretary-General of the Club of Rome, Germany
- Professor Roberto Peccei Member
Vice-Chancellor for Research, UCLA, USA
- Professor Raoul Weiler Member
Professor, University of Leuven, Belgium and
President of the Brussels Chapter of the Club of Rome
- Professor Dr. Markku Wilenius Member
Senior Vice President, Alliance SE, Finland
Mr. Martin Lees Secretary-General
Rector Emeritus, University for Peace, United Nations, UK
Honorary Members of the Club of Rome (November 2008 - source: www.clubofrome.org/eng/about/3/):
14 January 2013: New Link: www.clubofrome.org/?cat=52
Chief Emeka Anyaoku, United Kingdom - Former Commonwealth Secretary General
- Mr. José Ignacio Berroeta, Spain - Chairman of the Board & CEO, BBK Foundation
- The Hon. Belisario Betancur, Colombia - Former President of the Republic of Columbia
- Prof. Frits Böttcher, The Netherlands - Professor Emeritus of Physical Chemistry, Leiden University
- The Hon. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Brazil - Former President of the Republic of Brazil
- The Hon. Frederick F. Chien, Taiwan - Chairman of the Cathay Charity Foundation and Former Foreign Minister of the Republic of Taiwan
- Mr. André Danzin, France - Honorary President of the International Forum of Human Sciences
- H.E. Jacques Delors, France - Former President of the European Commission
- Prof. Ihsan Dogramaci, Turkey - Chairman of the Board of Trustees and President of the University of Bilkent
- Dr. Yehezkel Dror, Israel - Professor, Department of Political Science, The Hebrew University
- H.E. Dr. Ruth Bamela Engo-Tjega, Cameroon - President & Executive Director of African Action on AIDS
- Prof. Jay W. Forrester, USA - Senior Lecturer at the Sloan School of Management, MIT
- H.E. César Gaviria, Columbia - Former President of Columbia
- Dr. Orio Giarini, Italy - Director, The Risk Institute
- H.E. Arpad Göncz, Hungary - Former President of the Republic of Hungary
- The Hon. Mikhail Gorbachev, Russia - Former President of the USSR
- H.E. Dr. Vaclav Havel, Czech Republic - Former President of Czechoslovakia
- Ms. Hazel Henderson, USA - Author, Futurist and Evolutionary Economist---
Mr. Enrique Iglesias, Spain/Uruguay - Former President of the Inter-American Development Bank
- Mr. Daisaku Ikeda, Japan - President, Soka Gakkai International
- Mr. Helio Jaguaribe de Mattos, Brazil - Dean of the Institute of Political and Social Studies
- Dr. Mohamed Kassas, Egypt - Professor Emeritus of Botany, University of Cairo
- H.M. Juan Carlos I - King of Spain
- The Hon. Mauno Koivisto, Finland - Former President and former Prime Minister of Finland
- Prof. Antoni Kuklinski, Poland - Author and Professor, University of Warsaw
- The Hon. Luis A. Lacalle Herrera, Uruguay - Former President of Uruguay
- The Hon. Ruud F.M. Lubbers, The Netherlands - Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands
- Dr. Wangari Maathai, Kenya - Founder of the Green Belt Movement and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
- Dr. Pentti Malaska, Finland - Professor of Management Science and Operations Research, Turku School of Economics
- Prof. Mircea Malitza, Romania - President of the Future Studies Commission of the Romanian Academy
- Prof. Eleonora Barbieri Masini, Italy - Professor Emeritus of Social Future Studies, Gregorian University, Rome
- Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura, Japan - Director-General UNESCO
- Prof. Manfred A. Max-Neef, Chile - Economist and Environmentalist
- Dr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Spain - Former Director General of UNESCO and Chairman, Fundación Cultura de Paz
- Ms. Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Guatemala - UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and Nobel Peace Prize Recipient
- Rector Candido Mendes de Almeida, Brazil - Rector of the Universidade Candido Mendes
- Dr. Mihajlo D. Mesarovic, USA - Cady Staley Professor, Case Western Reserve University
- Mr. Reinhard Mohn, Germany - Founder of the Bertelsmann Foundation---H.R.H. Prince Philippe - Crown Prince of Belgium
- H.M. Queen Beatrix - Queen of the Netherlands
- Dr. Sadako Ogata, Japan - President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- Prof. B. F. Paton, Ukraine - President, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- H.M. Doña Sophia - Queen of Spain
- The Hon. Carlos Robles Piquer, Spain - Former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
- Mr. Jose Angel Sanchez Asiain, Spain - President of the BBV Foundation
- H.E. Eduard Shevardnadze, Georgia - Former President of the Republic of Georgia
- H.E. Dr. Manmohan Singh, India - Prime Minister of the Republic of India
- Dr. Karan Singh, India - Former Minister and President of the India International Center
- H.E. Dr. Mario Soares, Portugal - Former President and former Prime Minister of Portugal
- Prof. Hugo Thiemann, Switzerland - President of the Industrial Innovation and Cooperative System S.S.A.
- The Hon. Richard von Weizsäcker, Germany - Former President of Germany
- Lord George Weidenfeld, UK - Publisher and Philanthropist
- The Hon. Ernesto Zedillo, Mexico - Former President of Mexico and Director, The Yale Centre for the Study of Globalization
Full Members (November 2008):
Mr. Sadikou Ayo Alao, Benin - President, Gerrdes Bank
Prof. Assia Bensalah Alaoui, Morocco - Public Law University Mohammed V, Rabat-Agdal
Ms. Eda Coutinho Barbosa Machado de Souza, Brazil - Director General of the Institute of Superior Education of Brazil
Ms. Estela de Magelhaes Barbot, Portugal - Vice-President of AGA
Ambassador Benjamin Bassin, Finland - Former Ambassador of Finland to China
The Hon. Shlomo Ben-Ami, Israel - Vice-President, Toledo International Centre for Peace
Ms. Janine Benyus, USA - Author and Biologist at the Design Table Biomimicry Guild
Mr. Jérôme Bindé, France - Director, UNESCO Division of Foresight, Philosophy and Human Sciences
Mr. Juan Luis Cebrian, Spain - Council Delegate of the Group PRISA
Dr. Derrick de Kerckhove, Canada - Director, McLuham Program in Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto
Ambassador Mauricio de Maria y Campos, Mexico - Former Mexican Ambassador to South Africa
Dr. Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner, Spain - Board Member of International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance and Honorary President of the Club of Rome
Mr. Isidro Faine Casas, Spain - Chairman, Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona (La Caixa)
The Hon. José María Figueres Olsen, Costa Rica - CEO, Grupo Felipe IV and former President of Costa Rica
Prof. Arnoldo José Gabaldon, Venezuela - Honorary Professor of the Simón Bolívar University
Prof. Alberto Gasparini, Italy - Professor of Urban and Rural Sociology, University of Trieste
Mr. Gerardo Gil-Valdivia, Mexico - President, Mexican National Association of the Club of Rome
Prof. Paulo Alcantara Gomes, Brazil - Rector, University Castelo Branco
Prof. Heitor Gurgulino de Souza, Brazil - Secretary-General of the International Association of University Presidents and Vice-President of the Club of Rome
Prof. Orhan Güvenen, Turkey - Chair of Accounting Information Systems, Bilkent University and Member of the Club of Rome Executive Committee
Prof. Talat S. Halman, Turkey - Chairman of the Department of Turkish Literature, Bilkent University
Dr. Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, Ukraine - Chairman International Centre of Political Studies, International Management Institute, Geneva
Mr. Rafael Hernandez Colon, Puerto Rico - Former Governor of Puerto Rico
Mr. Diego Hidalgo Schnur, Spain - Founder and President of FRIDE
Prof. Kuniko Inoguchi, Japan - Member of the National DIET, Tokyo
The Hon. Mugur Constantin Isarescu, Romania - Governor, National Bank of Romania
Mr. Peter Johnston, UK - Head of Unit, New Methods of Work, Directorate-General Information Society, European Commission
Prof. Esko Kalimo, Finland - Chair of the European Support Centre, Club of Rome
Mr. Tapio O. Kanninen, Finland - Policy Planning Unit, Department of Political Affairs, United Nations
Dr. Sergey P. Kapitza, Russia - Institute for Physical Problems, Academy of Sciences
Dr. Laszlo Kapolyi, Hungary - Founder of System Consulting Rt. and former Hungarian Secretary of State for Energy
Dr. Ashok Khosla, India - President of Development Alternatives and Co-President, The Club of Rome
Dr. David C. Korten, U.S.A. - Co-Founder and Board Chair of People-Centred Development Forum
Mr. Martin Lees, United Kingdom - Secretary-General of the Club of Rome
Mr. Patrick Liedtke, Germany - Secretary-General and Managing Director of The Geneva Association and Executive Committee Member of the Club of Rome
Mrs. Wendy Luhabe, South Africa - Chairman, Alliance Capital
Prof. Mona Makram-Ebeid, Egypt - Head of the Association for the Advancement of Education and Executive Committee Member of the Club of Rome
Mr. Wolfgang Meyer, Germany - Honorary President, UITP - International Association of Public Transport
Mrs. Liz Mohn, Germany - Vice Chairwoman of the Executive Board, Bertelsmann Stiftung
Mr. Uwe Möller, Germany - Former Secretary-General and Executive Committee Member of the Club of Rome
Mr. Jesus Moneo, Spain - Member of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid
Mr. Kikujiro Namba, Japan - President, Promotech Inc.
Dr. Konrad Osterwalder, Switzerland - Rector of UNU
Mr. Gunter Pauli, Belgium - President, ZERI Organisation -
- Dr. Roberto Peccei, USA - Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of California Los Angeles and Executive Committee Member of the Club of Rome
Dr. José Aristodemo Pinotti, Brazil - Head of Department, Sao Paulo University Medical School
Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher, Germany - Founder of the Global Marshall Plan
Ms. Maria Ramirez Ribes, Venezuela - Author and President of the Venezuelan Chapter of the Club of Rome
Dr. Harold Robles, The Netherlands - Founder of the Medical Knowledge Institute
Dr. Wolfgang Sachs, Germany - Head of the Globalization and Sustainability Project, Wuppertal Institute
Rector Victor A. Sadovnichy, Russia - Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University
The Hon. Noemí Sanín Posada, United Kingdom - Ambassador of Columbia to the United Kingdom
Dr. Siegfried Sellitsch, Austria - President of the Vienna Technical University
Mr. Tasneem Ahmad Siddiqui, Pakistan - Chairman of SAIBAN
Dr. Ivo Slaus, Croatia - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the "Rudjer Boskovic" Institute, President of the Croatian National Association of the Club of Rome
Dr. Mihaela Y. Smith, United Kingdom - CEO, Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management (CPTM)
Mr. Klaus Steilmann, Germany - Founder of the Klaus Steilmann GmbH & Co KG
Dr. Keith D. Suter, Australia - President of the United Nations Association of Australia
Prof. Ramon Tamames Gomez, Spain - Professor of Economic Structures, Autonomous University of Madrid
Prof. Anitra Thorhaug, U.S.A - US National Association for the Club of Rome; Research Faculty,Yale University; Chair International Outreach and Physiological Section American Botanical Society; Project Director" The Future of the Western Hemisphere" UsaCoR; author, researcher on pollution in the coastlines and oceans of the world.
Mr. Wouter van Dieren, The Netherlands - President, IMSA Institute for Environment and Systems Analysis Amsterdam Ltd
Dr. Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis, Greece - President and Founder of the Biopolitics International Organisation
Dr. Klaus von Dohnanyi, Germany - German Politician and Member of the German Social Democrat Party
Dr. Eberhard von Koerber, Germany - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eberhard von Koerber AG and Co-President of the Club of Rome
Prof. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Germany - Dean of Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at the University of California
Prof. Raoul Weiler, Belgium - Prof. Emeritus, Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, University of Leuven and Chairman of the Belgian Chapter and Executive Committee member of the Club of Rome
Dr. Anders Wijkman, Sweden - Member of the European Parliament and Vice-President of the Club of Rome
Dr. Markku Wilenius, Germany - Senior Vice-President, Group Development, Allianz Group and Executive Committee Member of the Club of Rome